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Danny Guru

Transform your life and achieve your goals with Human Design Coaching

Enter the realm of self-discovery with Daniel Edwards, known as Danny Guru. With over two decades of Human Design exploration, Danny Guru is a seasoned analyst who has unraveled the intricacies of countless individual designs across the United States, amassing over 5,000 hours of experience. His grasp of this revolutionary wisdom is awe-inspiring, promising revelations that will leave you astounded.

Combining his journey, Daniel Edwards, or Danny Guru, is a man of diverse pursuits. Beyond his profound engagement with Human Design, he embarked on an eight-year musical odyssey, achieving multiple degrees across three institutions, culminating in Magna cum laude honors from the Berkeley College of Music in Boston. Yet life's currents led him to a different path, as he embraced the role of a single father raising two daughters. Evolving with resilience, he charted a new course, founding a thriving mortgage company in Western Massachusetts, where he and his team have flourished for over two decades. This journey, from music to mortgage lending, underscores the power of reinvention and the manifold facets of a life fully lived.

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